Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ubuntu Hardy - How To Build Lustre and its own Kernel (english version)

First of All, we have to create our own kernel.
The last version of Lustre, supports only kernel, and that`s the one we will use here!

1) Install Some basic packages:
apt-get install quilt gcc kernel-package libncurses5-dev fakeroot bzip2

2) Download Lustre v1.6.5.1 [1] and Linux Kernel v2.6.22.19 [2]
[1] wget
[2] wget

3) Unzip these files to /usr/src
bunzip2 (linux source)
tar -xf (linux source)
tar -xf (lustre source)

4) Create some symlinks for the sources (just to make it ease)
ln -s (linux source path)
ln -s (lustre source path)

5) in linux source's directory, create symlinks for /patche e /series from Lustre path.
ln -s /usr/src/lustre/kernel_patches/series/2.6.22-vanille.series series
ln -s /usr/src/lustre/kernel_patches/patches patches
quilt -av push

6) Redirect SH (to use some new features)
rm -f /bin/sh
ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh

7) Copy your actual boot configuration file to the linux source directory.
cp /boot/config-2.6.24-19-server ./.config

8) make-kpkg clean

9) make menuconfig (go to the LOAD option and save your new .config file)

10) Let`s rock... (after that, go take a coffee, take your dog for a walk...)
fakeroot make-kpkg -initrd -append-to-version=-(nome qualquer) kernel_image kernel_headers

11) The previous command will create 2 packages with .deb extension (headers and image). Execute the following command for each:
dpkg -i (file names, first headers and after the imagem)

12) Reboot your computer and let`s install LUSTRE (remember to keep the compiled files of your kernel)
cd /usr/src/lustre
./configure --with-linux=/usr/src/linux-2.6.22 (important to put the hole kernel path!!!)
make install

Voila!!! We are done ...
Now you just have to configure your cluster!

Have a Good job...
- Renato Leite

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